End 6!
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End 6!

Make the Net a happier place


What is this?
In a nutshell, it's an effort to forcibly coax people from using Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) for a web browser.
Because IE6 is full of security holes no matter how much Microsoft patches them. Because IE6 is browser that will crash easily. Because IE6 is completely broken when it comes to rendering websites correctly. Because there are better browsers out there.
How successful is this?
One website running the End6! code has seen IE6 users drop from 55% to 33% over two months, while at the same time traffic rose 20%.
How dare you tell me what browser to use?!!
It's true, you're free to use whatever browser you want to use, but unless you're a marketing person for Microsoft, there is the plain and simple truth that IE6 is a bad browser and it is not providing you with the best and safest way to view the internet. If you had a car that could only driving at half the speed of other cars and kept trying to drive off a cliff anytime anyone malicious suggested it, you'd get a new car, wouldn't you?
Who is behind this?
Currently it is just I, Miquel Hudin, that is running this thing. I'm a web developer in San Francisco who has been around the industry long enough (10 years now) to loath the very core of IE6 and what horrible, horrible things I have to do to otherwise great websites to make them work. The fact that the adoption rate to IE7 has pretty much stalled made me realize that I need to take things in to my own hands to get people to "see the light" which yes, I realize is primarily my light. But rest-assured, I do this not out of a God Complex, but to try and make the internet a better place.
Is this really worthwhile? I mean, how many people still use IE6?
Sadly, a lot. From direct experience, it appears that it's anywhere from 30-55% depending on the site. Others put it at 35%.
Okay, seems reasonable, so what I do?
Download the source and run it on your site.
I don't really want to do that, what else can I do?
Well, while not as effective, you can put the logos and links below for Firefox, Opera, Safari, Flock, and Explorer 7 on your site to try and spread the word for people to upgrade.
FirefoxOperaSafariFlockExplorer 7
What do you use personally?
I use Firefox, but I don't care if people want to use Opera, Flock or Explorer 7 as they're all vastly more secure and stable than IE6. I just like Firefox because there are so many plugins that make my life as a web developer a whole lot better. That and I have a thing for foxes... and fire.
Are there other campaigns like this?
Yes, there is Stop IE6 which launched at the same time as this project, but is more focused on ways that developers can detect IE6 users and either block or warn them. There is also Save the Developers, which is for the most part a copy of this project with a JavaScript widget that is more graphical in nature as well as passive in how it appears, but also much heavier to download. Undoubtedly if people continue to use outdated browsers more of these campaigns will start up.
End 6 Today!




Explorer 7
Explorer 7